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New Suggestion/Idea
What does it affect?
Tick all that apply
[X] MTA:RP Gameplay
[ ] User Interface
[ ] MTA:RP Forums
[ ] UCP
[ ] Only MTA:RP Staff (Administration Tools)
[ ] Other _________________.
Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
-Well, This is an idea i had but couldn't find enough time to make a thread.
We all know that using the Celebrity names aren't allowed, and they are no need.
But here, in this idea, MTA:RP will use them much.
The way of adding it doesn't need scripting or anything, It is a chosen admin, will take a celebrity's identity *No need for a custom skin if it looks like near to the real celebrity*, And will RP as it for a some time *Needs an available admin to keep online for much*.
So the celebrity "admin" will have power to use the celebrity name, and impersonate it RP'ly and IC'ly, And if the players are liking the celebrity, the admin could keep that as one of his characters, and he also could start buying cars, having mansions, dating *if not single*.
And the forum admins will have a poll, saying what is the celebrity category *Example : Actress, Model, Player,**No Justin Bieber or 1D*,
Then admins will choose a random but popular celebrity from that category.
-RP Increasing.
-More Admin Fun.
-Players will have more fun finding celebrities, taking selfies and whatever going out with the celebrity or something.
If any
-I don't find any except that last time we did that and it didn't continue it was raided by criminals *Alhambra*.
Does it require scripting?
Tick one
[X] No.
[ ] Yes, I have the script.
[ ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.
How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
-It is a really good idea in my opinion, and it would increase roleplay and attract players to our servers and that is what we need.
Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
-Same as advantages, Fun everywhere, and also, roleplay.
Additional information:
-Last time we did it, It was completely bad as it was raided by criminals and just fighting.
What does it affect?
Tick all that apply
[X] MTA:RP Gameplay
[ ] User Interface
[ ] MTA:RP Forums
[ ] UCP
[ ] Only MTA:RP Staff (Administration Tools)
[ ] Other _________________.
Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
-Well, This is an idea i had but couldn't find enough time to make a thread.
We all know that using the Celebrity names aren't allowed, and they are no need.
But here, in this idea, MTA:RP will use them much.
The way of adding it doesn't need scripting or anything, It is a chosen admin, will take a celebrity's identity *No need for a custom skin if it looks like near to the real celebrity*, And will RP as it for a some time *Needs an available admin to keep online for much*.
So the celebrity "admin" will have power to use the celebrity name, and impersonate it RP'ly and IC'ly, And if the players are liking the celebrity, the admin could keep that as one of his characters, and he also could start buying cars, having mansions, dating *if not single*.
And the forum admins will have a poll, saying what is the celebrity category *Example : Actress, Model, Player,**No Justin Bieber or 1D*,
Then admins will choose a random but popular celebrity from that category.
-RP Increasing.
-More Admin Fun.
-Players will have more fun finding celebrities, taking selfies and whatever going out with the celebrity or something.
If any
-I don't find any except that last time we did that and it didn't continue it was raided by criminals *Alhambra*.
Does it require scripting?
Tick one
[X] No.
[ ] Yes, I have the script.
[ ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.
How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
-It is a really good idea in my opinion, and it would increase roleplay and attract players to our servers and that is what we need.
Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
-Same as advantages, Fun everywhere, and also, roleplay.
Additional information:
-Last time we did it, It was completely bad as it was raided by criminals and just fighting.