At first I did want it for myself, but when I started getting taxes of it ($-18,000 every payday) I couldn't keep it, so that's the only thing left. Sorry :$
Oh and I may need you bit later, gonna finalize that SES reopening by actually buying it, finally ... LSES is just too deep to be repaired, and I feel sorry for it.
Oh, you got banned from there too ? I been blacklisted by Overdrive for "Lying about playing on another MTA server" AFTER he told me I can/should do it ... Still never understood.
Already got a spot in ES here, but right now, it's kinda REALLY hard to fix it with the current HC members, 2 of them kinda not caring of procedures and prefering to argue/insult over /f, and the leader is just not trusting the only worth HC whenever a promotion happens ... So yeh, it will take a looooooooooooong time to fix it at 100%. (Not even speaking of their lack of medical skills compared to what I'm used to)
He actually sold it for $1 and then entirely quit it. Think I already crossed you on "their" forums. Was known as DarkGhost there too, ex Minecraft owner for them, been their MTA ES leader for a long time too. IG name is Frank Arwen, if it rings a bell.
Funny how your username makes me think about another community owner who actually left his community. Using the same forum titles as him, somehow.
Didn't you mod a laptop yourself ? If yes, it may be you. If nope, then ... Oh well. Hi there !