Server Supervisor Mach2
I'm Mach2 (or Kyle, or Kdog549, whichever you prefer) and for some reason people tend to have a bad rap about me, so let me introduce myself and who I really am.
I joined initially towards the end of 2012, played a bit and left as I didn't understand roleplay - at all - and was a little overwhelmed.
After I left, and came back when my then friend IRL, masterchief (I say then friend as we haven't spoken in years) introduced back into the server and we nubbed around for quite some time. I eventually stumbled into DubstepxR, who had someone teach me how to roleplay.
I learned, and grew slowly as well. I eventually joined LSPD, and this server became a huge part of my life and well even now, who I am as a person. Even through hardships in real life of not being able to come on due to my family/living situation, people were always understanding and I enjoyed my time here.
I eventually became GameMaster in 2013-2014 I believe, to then become Trial.
To be quite frank, I had no idea what I was doing then, but I learned as time went on.
I learned how to roleplay, but also maturity as that's something that was required for being on the staff team.
Skipping ahead some time, I became a Head Admin and really wanted to do what I could to help out here.
I was offered Community Manager early last year, and with the help of others we made the server thrive again (30+ a day - and hey, that's pretty good given the circumstances) and I take no credit for myself, we all did it as one.
Eventually, things hit the fan and I resigned due to my RL situation and getting my life back together.
As a human, just like each and every one of you do have a life outside of the computer (well, I work at a computer, but that's besides the point) where I have a family, a house, a car, and friends. So don't look past that if you ever need advice or someone to talk to, I'm a message away.
Dealt with depression, anxiety, and all the negativity that comes with growing up, so yeah, I've probably been there and done that.
Don't be afraid to ask me anything, as I'll be here if ya' need me.
I'm really not a rude person, just when I have to be to make sure I perform at my job/duties. I truly am a caring person. ( Unless you get on my bad side
Anyhow, so yeah, I'm a Server Supervisor and help out when/where needed when time permits.
Thanks for reading!
- Mach2
(Oh, and yes it's true, I'm a homosapien)
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