GameMaster Application
Copy the below application, go Here and start a new topic. Title the topic Your Account Name - GM Application and paste the below format. Fill it out and post!
Remember: Read the Qualifications first!
Note: Your post will not be view-able, but it has been submitted. We keep every application hidden from the public for obvious reasons, so ensure you filled it out to your liking by previewing before submitting.
[b]Account Name:[/b]
[b]Main Character:[/b]
[b]Number of Alternate Characters:[/b]
[b]Any current Administrators or GameMasters which can recommend you?:[/b]
[b]Are you currently a member of the Roleplay+ group?:[/b]
[b]Your roleplay level, on a scale of 1 to 10:[/b]
[B]Are you willing to teach players, who do not understand, how to roleplay?:[/B]
[B]Are you now, or have you ever been a GM or Admin on another MTA Server?:[/B]
[B]Do you currently play any other communities than MTA Roleplay (no need to list them)?:[/B]
[B][U]Please define and answer the following in your own words.[/U][/B]
[B]What is Roleplaying?[/B]
[*]Answer goes here
[B]What is Metagaming?[/B]
[*]Answer goes here.
[B]What is Powergaming?[/B]
[*]Answer goes here.
[B]What is Deathmatching?[/B]
[*]Answer goes here.
[B]What is Revenge Killing?[/B]
[*]Answer goes here.
[B]What is Hacking?[/B]
[*]Answer goes here.
[B]How well would you say you get along with other players?[/B]
[b]What makes you feel like you would make a good GameMaster, standing out from the rest of the community?[/b]
[b]Why should we accept you? (150 words minimum)[/b]
[b]What is one sentence that describes you?[/b]
[B]Any additional information you would like to add to your application?[/B]
[b]What is your Skype username:[/b]
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