
Connetion Timed out in Negative colors


New Member
The last week, when the server lags or crashes, I experience my IG screen turning into negative colors.
Maybe some of us have that also? It's kinda weird, here is a screenshot. (from the crash 10 minutes ago)


Maybe someone knows what is it?


I see my ID :D
Try updating your graphics cards drivers and update the Windows Updates.


New Member
It has the newest graphics driver and updates, has nothing to to with my PC, but maybe, as I think about it,
with my MTA Beta (nightly) so the server running older version of MTA than my client (I heard from someone this is possible)


New Member
Does this happen to you every time you get disconnected? As I think about it, I remember this happening to me aswell, but on another server, and a lo-ong way back. What graphics card do you got btw? And since you wrote "IG Screen" I asume you're runing with 2 (or more) monitors?

Darn I ask allot'o questions haha


New Member
I guess you're running a dual monitor setup, If so, run MTA in a windowed mode, if you Alt tab and come back, it won't bug and also since I used to get them, I ran it in windowed with my setup and since then i've never had that problem.