
Boazosuollagat (The Reindeer Thieves)


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((OOC Info:))
Boazosuollagat (Sami for Reindeer Thieves) is a Sami-Norwegian mafia based on the culture of the Sami people, and criminal events caused by Sami Mafias.
We will be a completely unique mafia, and we will put the realism into mafia RP for a change.
The main reason for starting our own mafia is due to the lack of proper mafia RP here, no mafia provokes the police and speeds around in their cars all day.

((Faction Story:))

Hjalmar Sokki was born in the Sami region of Norway, in a medium-wealth family of reindeer breeders.
While growing up he would get attached to their reindeers and would treat them like his pets.

Hjalmar is now 10 years old, and needs to prove his manliness by killing half the herd of reindeer.
Fifteen days later, Hjalmar has killed, skinned and cut the meat of half of their herd. His emotions and sympathy for reindeer is now lost. Death does no longer matter.

14 year old Hjalmar wakes up to a horrible storm. There is a blizzard outside, and the lightning is smashing down everywhere.
The Sokki family's tiny wood cottage catches fire. Hjalmar, his mother and his baby brother gets out and drives on their snowmobiles to the nearest farm. Hjalmar's dad goes out to make sure the herd of reindeer has survived.
A week later, with no sign of his dad, Hjalmar goes out to look for him. After hours of looking, he finds his dad dead next to a dead herd of reindeer.
The health department of Norway seizes all the reindeer. They are not allowed to sell it. The family has no house, no herd and no money, they move to Oslo.

After two years of governmental support in a tiny apartment in Oslo, Hjalmar has had enough. He starts looking around for contacts that can help his situation.
He looks in all kinds of environments and feels betrayed by the government for not helping them more when they had a tragedy. He does no longer care about the laws.

Hjalmar turns 18. He is out partying with his friends.
His new friends consists of a ethnic Norwegian, a Norwegian born Pakistani, and another Sami guy that has grown up in modern society.
A few months later, the Pakistani guy offers Hjalmar to be part of an operation he's got started. All Hjalmar has to do is to cross a kilo of hashish across the border between Sweden and Norway.
With no kn***edge about drugs, Hjalmar does not understand any of the risks. He smoothly smuggles a kilo of hashish across the border.
"Well that was easy money" - Hjalmar said as he received his payment from the smuggling job.

The last two years, Hjalmar has been smuggling hashish from Sweden to Norway countless times.
Suddenly he wakes up to a phone call. The Pakistani guy needs backup.
Apparently someone who's been owing the Pakistani guy money for quite a while refuses to pay up.
As Hjalmar meets up with the Pakistani guy, he has no problems with changing the mind. He simply chopped the guys right pinkie finger off without hesitation. The money was paid in one month later.

After six years with smuggling, dealing, money collection and extortion, Hjalmar gets arrested for possession of half a kilo of hashish.
With a governmental provided attorney who twisted the jury into feeling guilt of a man that's part of a population that has been harassed for centuries, he is given only 6 years imprisonment.

Hjalmar receives an early release for good behavior and signs of rehabilitation.
Everyone in his old crew is under arrest, so he seeks up his cousins.
All of his cousins happens to have moved to Oslo, and they are well established in the criminal world of Oslo. Together they found a new crew and calls themselves Boazosuollagat.

The Boazosuollagat has involvement with Hells Angels Norway, and has been trading drugs with them for the last two years.
One day, a high ranked member of Hells Angels Norway attempts to scam them in a drug trade. He gets stabbed to death.
Due to all the strong alliances Hells Angels has, there is not going to be enough market for them to continue the drug trade in Norway.
The whole Boazosuollagat crew migrates to Los Santos, USA to continue their business with a new market.

((Questions and Answers))
Oi Jockeyzz are you Sami?! No.
What is Sami people?
How does Sami people look like?
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MTA:RP Forum Legend
so is this a christmas elf faction?

(jk, lol. sorta does look like elfs in the picture tbh lol)


MTA:RP Forum Legend
First Norwegian Faction I believe. Really interested to see it in game, good luck.


At last something unique.Hope you bring back the FSE and original Dinapoli times.Hope you get it far.