
Arrowfire43 is back, Baby!


New Member
None of you probably remember me. But basically I was an admin and kinda just died. I was over swamped with school and when I finally wasn't I just wasn't into RP anymore. After numerous re-tries to get into the RP community again, I finally made it back here.

The only sad part about me coming back is I can no longer log into my account, or remember what my recovery email address was! So I'll have to start from scratch!


New Member
If you tried to recover it, you could provide emails privately so they could be compared in the database for whatever one works, then you can have it reset. Seems like the most secure way to me.

Welcome back, too!


The real MVP
You can send myself or Overload a PM in regards to gaining access back to your account as long as you remember the Email you once used, as a verification.. or some other form of verification for us to reset it for you.
