I feel like I should make an introduction thread, since we are kind of 're-opening' the server in a sense? I don't know, I'm hitting that typical millennial blank whenever you confront them in public.
Thanks for spending your most precious time on reading this post, and actually still being present within this Community. I am Buddy(As you probably know), some folks call me 'Husk', 'ngl007' 'DodgyBuddy' or 'Shadow'. I joined MTA:RP back in 2013 (About around November), it was my first contact with anything Role-Play related. I probably annoyed a fuck-ton of admins back then due to my roleplay impotence xD My admin history is probably one of the worst, considering that there are no 'nice' words on it. And being a non-native English speaker made it worse.
That all changed in about 2015? My grammar skills improved and well, my general knowledge regarding Role-Play flourished. This game (server) probably costed me a shit ton of problems, as my parents weren't that keen on me staying up till 03:00 AM on a school night xD I spent many, if not hundreds of hours staying up till who knows what time in the morning to role-play and actually explore the server. I kid you not, if this server didn't exist. I'd probably still suck at English and fail all my Academic Essays xD.
I am currently a First year Visual Communication (Design) Student. I'm Majoring Illustration, Communication Design (Graphics Design) and Photography (Weird flex but okay). If you're wondering why buddy is not online at exactly 'this' or 'that' time. It's because of my Degree. BUT, I will still be active most of the time -as being part of this Community still is a priority. I will also be leading the Los Santos Police Department as Chief of Police. And if all goes well, and the faction actually gets launched -I'll be the Chairman of the National Art Council of San Andreas. So do not hesitate to Forum or Discord PM me, my door is always open for queries even if it's Art related. I always strive for positive results in not necessarily positive situations, so bear in mind that my actions (whether it's Staff/Faction/IC) related is never personal. If I don't reply to your messages instantly or I seem a little off, it's probably because of my classes. Sometime's Lecturers can be cunts. And if you haven't noticed, I swear a lot. Unfortunately you'll have to get used to that x)
Again, thanks for going through this post! And see you in game
Thanks for spending your most precious time on reading this post, and actually still being present within this Community. I am Buddy(As you probably know), some folks call me 'Husk', 'ngl007' 'DodgyBuddy' or 'Shadow'. I joined MTA:RP back in 2013 (About around November), it was my first contact with anything Role-Play related. I probably annoyed a fuck-ton of admins back then due to my roleplay impotence xD My admin history is probably one of the worst, considering that there are no 'nice' words on it. And being a non-native English speaker made it worse.
That all changed in about 2015? My grammar skills improved and well, my general knowledge regarding Role-Play flourished. This game (server) probably costed me a shit ton of problems, as my parents weren't that keen on me staying up till 03:00 AM on a school night xD I spent many, if not hundreds of hours staying up till who knows what time in the morning to role-play and actually explore the server. I kid you not, if this server didn't exist. I'd probably still suck at English and fail all my Academic Essays xD.
I am currently a First year Visual Communication (Design) Student. I'm Majoring Illustration, Communication Design (Graphics Design) and Photography (Weird flex but okay). If you're wondering why buddy is not online at exactly 'this' or 'that' time. It's because of my Degree. BUT, I will still be active most of the time -as being part of this Community still is a priority. I will also be leading the Los Santos Police Department as Chief of Police. And if all goes well, and the faction actually gets launched -I'll be the Chairman of the National Art Council of San Andreas. So do not hesitate to Forum or Discord PM me, my door is always open for queries even if it's Art related. I always strive for positive results in not necessarily positive situations, so bear in mind that my actions (whether it's Staff/Faction/IC) related is never personal. If I don't reply to your messages instantly or I seem a little off, it's probably because of my classes. Sometime's Lecturers can be cunts. And if you haven't noticed, I swear a lot. Unfortunately you'll have to get used to that x)
Again, thanks for going through this post! And see you in game