
A trailer for MTA RP?


New Member

I'm willing to make a MTA RP trailer in Blender. I've got all skins rigged, all vehicles, but I'm still working on the map. I have many ideas how the trailer will look like, one of them is - Everything is freezed and the camera pans around events, cop chases, arrests, fire emergencies, drug selling etc... If you have an idea, please post a reply below.

Also I'm looking for a suitable sound track to fit it with the server. I've found 2 soundtracks that are pretty good, but again if you want to suggest your own sound track, you're welcome!

Track No.1


And Track No.2



1. Q. Darude-Sandstorm
A. No, just simply no!

2. Q. What's your status now?
A. I have rigged almost every skin available in GTA SA (Making their bones move etc.). Still working on the map though, all dem textures makin' meh sick.

3 Q. Can I participate?
A. If you know how to rig pedestrians and export maps with all textures, sure! Contact me and we'll get thing sorted out

Thank you for reading ^^


New Member
Thank you for all the quick answers. The suggestions Beatty gave are looking great, but will cause a lot of trouble. We will have to unite pretty much to make something like that, meaning we will lose our valuable time of RPing (Jk xD)

Anyway's, my plan as I said was making the whole thing in Blender. Setting new animations and things like that. Also I'm thinking of making it look like really IG (IC names on top of characters head, etc.)

Althrough I'm not yet done setting up all the needed things like meshes, armatures for them (Bones), the 3D city envieronment, and some vehicles. So this will cost a little more time now.

Stay tuned for any updates, and once again, thank you!


New Member
I like the idea a lot. We've had a lot of people try in the past but no ones really made one decent. To inspire you, I'll link you to some ******** ones which were done by professionals (who got paid!).

Oh, thx!

And about payment, I don't care. I'm not here for da $. I just want to make a trailer. An idea went in my head and I just want to complete it :)