
[Suggestion] Deagles

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Please provide a brief summary of your Suggestion/Idea
- Deagles dont really require any scripting. If you're not in PD, it automatically doesnt have the Tazer option, it has the radar option though. Simply just remove the radar option (noone uses it anyway, they use the built in speed cam on cruisers). Add the Deagles to Ammunation or the Bitcoin shop, and presto. There's no point in only allowing PD to have deagles, they only use the tazer setting anyway, so its a waste of a perfectly fine gun and myself and others are pretty sick of having to hold a colt like a gang banger. This has been suggested dozens of times before, and the only reason it's been denied is because noone was willing to properly configure the deagle. I could do this myself, it'd be as easy as blinking.

New weapon, where you dont have to aim like a gangster/hold it sideways

If any
None really... I mean like the only real disadvantage is that someone can just run around you with a colt or smg and kill you while you try to pro-aim.

Does it require scripting?
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[ ] No.
[ X ] Yes, I have the script (I can script it myself)
[ ] Yes, but it still needs to be scripted.

How would you go about implementing this suggestion?
- Simply add it after making it.

Impact the suggestion would have if implemented
- More use of the bitcoin system.

Additional information:


<b><span style="color:#FAEBD7;"t>#2012 Gang</b><br
If this is added please make it so the Deagle skill is default at maximum as you are unable to move while shooting at the moment


MTA:RP Forum Legend
If this is added please make it so the Deagle skill is default at maximum as you are unable to move while shooting at the moment

+1 on that to. I think they're set to medium skills atm, like most weapons, but since it doesn't dual wield, and its just a pistol I'd think it'd be fair to set it to full skill set.


<b><span style="color:#FAEBD7;"t>#2012 Gang</b><br
+1 on that to. I think they're set to medium skills atm, like most weapons, but since it doesn't dual wield, and its just a pistol I'd think it'd be fair to set it to full skill set.

Everything except for SMGs and Colt should be set to maximum because atm movement with AKs/M4s and Shotguns is also restricted while shooting
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