
San Andreas Network - Application Form


New Member


Application Form


Application Status: Open

We’re glad you’re interested in the careers here at the San Andreas Network.

Here at the San Andreas Network take pride in making sure our partners are comfortable with their job. To trust that is the case, when filling out your application, we’ll ask you what career choice fits you the most. We’ll also look for previous works in the position too.

Information Sheet

Listed here are our open positions at the network that we start you off on.

TV News Anchor

A TV news anchor is the person who presents a newscast in the studio. Often, a man and woman are paired as co-anchors to be the faces of the station both on-air and in the community. Their roles are important because they are what turn a day's variety of news stories into a cohesive TV program.

Some TV news anchor skills can't be taught in a classroom. One is the ability to ad lib without a script, similar to what a stage actor might do during a play. A TV news anchor has to be able to keep talking if a piece of equipment breaks down during a live newscast, or to ask a question of a reporter at the end of a story or especially in the case of breaking news when there's no time to write scripts.

Because a TV news anchor is the face of a station or network, there's also an understood requirement for community involvement. This means anchors will spend their own time volunteering, joining civic or charity groups and speaking to students.

A Typical Day for a TV News Anchor:

A newsroom meeting is usually held when the anchors arrive so that they can be briefed on the day's news. Because the news cycle is typically 24 hours, anchors walk in while stories are in the process of being completed. This meeting informs the anchors which story will lead the newscast, which ones are still being investigated and allows the anchors to pitch their own ideas and help the newscast producers develop the structure of the program.

The hour before a newscast is the most intense period for a TV news anchor. That's the time late-breaking stories are coming in, revisions are made to scripts and the anchor prepares mentally to deliver the news. That preparation ensures that an anchor will be confident and relaxed when the cameras are turned on.


Reporters provide news to a public audience by way of TV, radio, print or the Internet. They work in a variety of settings varying in size. Work happens in the newsroom, in the field or anywhere else that a story can be researched. There are no formal educational requirements, but most reporters earn degrees in journalism and gain experience through internships.

How a Reporter goes about their day:

Finding Leads

Some news agencies assign stories to reporters, while others will simply let reporters shop around for whatever stories they can find. In many cases, both approaches are taken. Reporters are expected to keep a close eye on current events in the field to which they are assigned, called a “beat.” Many reporters study big national papers like "The New York Times" or press services like AP or Reuters to find out what events are making the news. Some reporters look to smaller local papers or the Internet for underreported stories. Attending public or cultural events, reading the news and talking to informed members of the community are ways in which reporters can find leads.

Once reporters have a story assignment, they normally have a very limited time to investigate it as thoroughly as possible before they must report on it and publish a piece. News is a very competitive industry and reporters want to be the first to report on breaking news. During this phase, reporters do whatever they can to get the best and most thorough information possible that includes a variety of perspectives and opinions. Reporters strive for a range of views to present a rich and unbiased account of events. Attending press conferences, conducting personal interviews, observing events in person and doing background research for context are some basic ways in which reporters investigate their leads.

After reporters have compiled the information, learned the context of the story and received personal testimony, they have to assemble their findings into a coherent whole by writing the story. This can be a big challenge, as many news formats require the most concise possible version of the story, whether it's a word count limit, or a time limit in which the reporter can speak. In conveying the story to the public, regardless of what medium is used, reporters strive to remain objectivity, to give the public all of the relevant information and to strike a tone that is intriguing. Reporters have an ethical duty to communicate as clearly as possible to the broadest audience.


News editors must know what makes a good story and pay close attention to the happenings in their coverage area. They keep an ear on police scanners and an eye on police blotters and television newscasts. Many times they hold news "budget" meetings to let reporters and other editors know what needs covered for each edition. Newspaper and website news editors often do so on a daily basis. News editors handle many other tasks, such as placing stories on a page (also called "pagination"), overseeing the design of the publication, and making sure all stories are accurate and readable. They also sometimes interview and hire reporters.

News editors are in the communication business, so it is imperative that they possess outstanding communication skills. That means being clear both in directing reporters and in what their publication prints. They should be highly organized with strong leadership skills, as well as confident and motivated. At the same time, news editors must be prepared to think on their feet, as breaking news--such as a car accident or the firing of a key city official--can happen on a moment's notice.

News editors are the first step before stories are published in papers, it is key to ensure all papers are orderly and are ready to be read by the readers of the community.

Out of Character Information

TV News Anchors are the ones who go on the scene and report about it LIVE to the community, in the studio they’re to report on local news that isn’t completely LIVE information.

Reports find and come up with stories for the community, then it is sent to the editor for review and any revisions necessary, then they may be published by a publisher.

Editors take stories from reporters to be in the weekly newspaper, revise, and hand over to the publisher.

The Application

Post Applications Here

Tip: Leave the formatting alone.



[B]First Name:[/B]





[B]Date of Birth:[/B]

[B]Contact Number:[/B]

[B]Current Employment:[/B]

[B]Previous Employment / Education:[/B]

[B]Please mark (x) the following job you are applying for:[/B]

[ ] Anchor
[ ] Reporter
[ ] Editor

[B]Do you possess a valid drivers License:[/B][ ] Yes[ ] No

[B]Tell us a little about yourself and your personality[/B]

[I]EDITORS ONLY [/I]: [B]How good would you rate your English Grammar and Spelling? (Rate 0-10, 10 being excellent)[/B]

By signing your name on the line below, you agree that all information provided is legally correct.

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New Member
Re: San Andreas ******* - Application Form

Bump.. For all those who are wondering SAN is still functioning and accepting Applications.