
Restrictions to Hotwiring


Keeper of the Keys
Staff member
Server Owner
Yesterday we added the ability to Hotwire cars, and already we have gotten a lot of Positive AND negative response to it. There are a few restrictions we must mention, in order to moderate this.

Here they are
  • As previously before, If the owner a vehicle is online, and it is locked, You MAY rp smashing the window, or getting inside it however you wish. You will NOT be able to get in to a locked car if the owner is offline..
  • When stealing a car you must type at least 2 /me's of RP hotwiring the car. You cant just spam J until it starts, and just drive off.
  • Hotwire binds ARE allowed, However you must RP waiting the time it would take you to do so.
  • You STILL need a Pilots License in order to hotwire any Aircraft.
  • You will NOT be given a key to the vehicle if you steal it..

These are the restrictions that are in place as of now. We will update this list if needed in the future.

We are still working on the hotwire system, We will be adding a new timer, so that Spamming J will not work... We will also be adding a Auto /me. However, That auto /me will NOT count toward the 2 you already need to do. Meaning a Total of 3 /me's will be needed including the auto one.



@Overload Can we just get rid of the script? I really think it is a bad idea, just make the players do /report and have an admin watch them try to hotwire the car, like they use to.


I agree with Delicious. I thought it might be a good idea at start and now it's just dumb. People hotwire EVERYTHING.


Server Supervisor
Staff member
Server Supervisor
No, now, lets give this a shot. More changes will need done and I think it could be kinda nice in the long run. I've been out for medical conditions so I haven't tried it, but by what i hear, Press J a few times and boom. so.

I think this: Must have 10 hours minimum to use the hotwire system. at all. less than that, they won't know it exists.
After 10 hours, 6% of vehicles entered would be successful. The system would keep track of the last vehicle ID you got into, so you couldn't just get in and out of the same car.
Faction Vehicles would not be allowed to be hotwired at all to complly with other rules (EG, Must be unlocked/running, or have a Faction Leader/Admin+ permission)
Donator type vehicles would be harder to crack since they are always latemodel vehicles that we add. Latemodel cars are hard to crack without some bitchin stuff. (Instead of 6% of cars, donators would be 3% entered would be successful)

Just ideas, Not sure where you have the settings at Now, but these are values I'd start at if I wrote it (If I could write a script)