
Mapping Shop!


New Member
If you'd like an exterior/interior mapped , please copy the next format and paste it , You pay if you like the work, If you dont like it , I can re-do or you're not gonna pay at all.

[Name] : ______
[Screenshots of the location] : _______
[What do you need? I.E. Fences and Gates] : __________

You'll be informed when the mapping is done!


New Member
I just want you to know, this isn't a certain thing. I simply seeing what it would look like, and then if I like what it looks like an it would be approved by an admin (I'll deal with that if I like what it looks like).

[Name] : Taylor Voll
[Screenshots of the location] : The ghost town in the middle of the Desert
[What do you need? I.E. Fences and Gates] : I want fences around the entire area, gates where the dirt roads lead into the ghost town. Please see these below links for rough drawing of what I want. Also a Heli-Pad

Keep in mind I did these "drawings" really fast and rough. If you don't understand/have questions let me know.

Black Lines = Fence
White Lines = Gate
Red Lines = Heli Pad