
Legal Factions: List of Business Types


<b><span style="color: white;">Faction Leader<br /

Alphabetical List of Business Possibilities

The website above has an alphabetical list of businesses that you could make into reality here at Multi Theft Auto Roleplay. It explains how to start, market, and manage a business. It's worth checking out, if you're interested in starting a legal faction, but don't quite know what you want to create. It also describes how the selected business works, what it's purpose is, etc. You may want to do further research as the information provided is limited.

Ray Payne

<b><span style="color:#B3102B;"t>Serb</b><br /><b>
I think someone should start a farming faction. We could script in products like barley, wheat, potato etc. (Just the items, Have no script that plants it for you and script in seeds of those products)
They go to a farming store, Buy seeds, fertilizer, anything they would need on farms/
This way, The workers RP planting them, then they have someone whose high enough rank to fly a cropduster(To fertilize the plants). They do this WHILE a admin is watching so they can approve the rp. Once all of this rp is done, In a RP time, IRL Wheat takes about a month but we could set it to like in 24hrs so in 24hrs, A admin spawns in the products and they take the seeds of the amount they used. The admin watching before can write down how many seeds were planted down. Then they harvest this with harvesters(Which are alreadly in the game, Woohoo!) after the admin watches them harvest then they get the product. The faction then goes to a farmers market and sells all or some product. IRL you would get 15-20 per bushel of wheat(the admins can decide how much you would get paid). Then the process restarts.(after some time has passed ofc, You can't grow something again & again without ruining the soil).

I think this would be a great faction to start, You only need a tiny bit of scripting(The items ig).
Theres constant RP for you to do, Youre making cash constantly.