
Legal Factions: About: How to become an official legal faction << Read before posting

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New Member
MTA Roleplay – Legal Faction Process

Welcome to MTA:RP and thanks for trying out the legal side of our server!
This thread will explain to you what we expect from the legal side of our server, and what you need to do to set up a legal faction.
Please keep in mind: Factions are a trusted and official group of roleplayers, and we expect each and every member to contribute to decent and extended roleplay at all times!

Let’s start off with a small checklist for this new faction you’ve got in mind:
  • What is the purpose of my faction. Why is your faction active in Los Santos, and what is their goal?
  • What type of faction am I setting up? Commercial? Non-Profit? Community? Other..?
  • Is my faction unique? We obviously won’t have two factions doing the same job.
  • What players should be joining my faction? Can anyone join? Or only close friends of yours?
  • Do I have enough active faction members? (not logging in for 3 days is considered inactive)
  • Where will my faction be positioned? One building? Multiple buildings? An area?
  • How will my faction generate income? Selling items? Rely on gifts/donations? Charity events?

All Check? Awesome!
The first thing you will need now is good roleplay. Bring your members together and start setting up roleplay that matches the story we just came up with on our checklist. Again, make sure you do not violate the rules!
Take some screenshots of the Roleplay you have set up, you’ll need this for step two!

You have now been setting up some roleplay on the server, and possibly made some changes to adapt to your environment in Los Santos. It is time to let the entire server know that you are an organized group, and are aiming to become an official faction.
To do this, create an ‘Unofficial Faction Thread’ in this faction board, and include (at least) the following information:
  • In-Character information (who are you, why are you here, what is your goal)
  • Out-Of-Character information (Faction rules, limitations, proof of your roleplay)
  • Extra information (How is the faction being managed? Who are the members? How is income generated and payed?

You have now done everything you can to set up your faction, and it’s time for the server to reply. How are you interacting with other players / factions on the server? Get the discussion started on your Unofficial Faction Thread and make sure you get some good reviews!

This last part is now up to our Faction Review Team, they have been keeping an eye open since you created your faction thread, and they will be monitoring your roleplay. If we have faith in your faction, and you are bringing active and decent RP to the server, you will be rewarded with your own official legal faction.

The only thing left to do now is stay active, and enjoy your own roleplay contribution to the server!
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