
gus help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
i wont to no how canni get illgle guns i dont wont to buy it from someone because they are trying to skam and rob me. and the only reason i wont a illgle gun is tpo pretect mysele the gun licanse app is closed right now im rich i have nice car an a nice house i need something to pretect than people just today tag my house and tryed to robb my house i couldint do anything but call the cop but they take forever sometimes so please help me.i wont the gun intill the apps come back up all a need is a mp5 with 4 clips or something smaller just intill the app com back up WHEN WILL THE GUN APPS ARE GOING TO BE BACK UP

Thank You
Tony Wash/AKA XEliteNijaToOB


New Member
To start off; Can't spell? Title, and the whole post is just a mess.
Trolling title. That helps nothing, "gus help me" then 100 "!", and you misspelled "Guys"... :/

Put a little more effort into your post next time, and on topic...

You need to find out ICly on how to get illegal weapons.

A gun license, or weapon license in that respect, cannot be used for illegal use- in doing so, would be mid-sized corruption.
a. Your character would be CKd for corruption.
b. A message within the lines of corruption in the use of a gun license, would be placed on your admin message.

This thread is a trolling thread from the view of anyone with common sense; No EFFORT at all was used to spell even one word correctly.

In the end, the applications are closed. WAIT for them to open.

Have a nice day