Faction Name: The Believers
Faction Type (Government/Legal/Illegal): Illegal
Do you meet the 300 hour requirement?: Yes
Are you a member of the Roleplay+ Group?: No
Have you recently been jailed for any Non-RP? (Within the last Month): No
How long as your Unofficial Faction been actively running?: 1 Day
Faction Rank List (1 = Highest rank, 15 = Lowest rank):
1) Revenant
2) Cardinal
3) Archbishop
4) Bishop
5) Priest
6) Senior Dico (Latin for Employer/Recruiter)
7) Senior Elit (Latin for Supplier)
8) Senior Praesidio (Latin for Guard)
9) Dico
10) Elit
11) Praesidio
12) Child
Current Faction Members (Name/Rank):
((Buddy)) Jesus Lebawski - Revenant
((Kane)) Marley Davidson - Cardinal
((Knoppen)) Salinger Enoch - Archbishop
Description of Faction (Minimum of 150 words):
The Believers, is based on a group of people that are extreme/radical Christians that will do about anything their leaders (Or even god) say. You can compare them to ISIS members, except they operate more covert/mysterious. The leaders of this group, exploit Christianity to enforce their own needs/believes. Their followers (Lower ranks) do not focus on that, since they believe that the leaders are messengers from god and divine beings. In public, the believers are known as innocent christian followers, but behind the scenes they traffic humans, sacrifice humans, traffic drugs and distribute firearms. That is a rough description of the Believers.
Qualification to Join the Faction:
1) Adequate Illegal RP knowledge.
2) Adequate knowledge regarding extreme/radical groups and how they operate (Worship their leaders).
3) No serious punishments ((OOC))
4) Clean IC jail history.
Faction Rules:
IC Faction Rules:
1) No snitching to PD.
2) No public illegal actions (meaning don't rush out in the open and kill people).
3) Illegal actions are only to be consented by Leaders+
4) You may use faction vehicles, but may not perform pursuits/illegal actions in them without consent.
5) You may not sell drugs/firearms without leader consent.
6) You may not obtain firearms/drugs from out inventory's without leader consent, doing so will result in CK.
OOC Faction Rules:
1) No MG, PG or anything that breaks server rules.
2) Do not perform any illegal actions without leaders consent.
3) No snitching on police, results in CK.
4) CK Clause.
5) NO MG'ing our base locations (blacklist/ooc jail).
6) Properties are only open/to be seen by faction members.
If your faction is made, what would you need? (Example: Badges, Mapped HQ, Ect.):
1) Vehicles (Modded if possible)
2) Church Location in LS
3) Own IC radio station (If possible, we need christian music ;s)
Faction Type (Government/Legal/Illegal): Illegal
Do you meet the 300 hour requirement?: Yes
Are you a member of the Roleplay+ Group?: No
Have you recently been jailed for any Non-RP? (Within the last Month): No
How long as your Unofficial Faction been actively running?: 1 Day
Faction Rank List (1 = Highest rank, 15 = Lowest rank):
1) Revenant
2) Cardinal
3) Archbishop
4) Bishop
5) Priest
6) Senior Dico (Latin for Employer/Recruiter)
7) Senior Elit (Latin for Supplier)
8) Senior Praesidio (Latin for Guard)
9) Dico
10) Elit
11) Praesidio
12) Child
Current Faction Members (Name/Rank):
((Buddy)) Jesus Lebawski - Revenant
((Kane)) Marley Davidson - Cardinal
((Knoppen)) Salinger Enoch - Archbishop
Description of Faction (Minimum of 150 words):
The Believers, is based on a group of people that are extreme/radical Christians that will do about anything their leaders (Or even god) say. You can compare them to ISIS members, except they operate more covert/mysterious. The leaders of this group, exploit Christianity to enforce their own needs/believes. Their followers (Lower ranks) do not focus on that, since they believe that the leaders are messengers from god and divine beings. In public, the believers are known as innocent christian followers, but behind the scenes they traffic humans, sacrifice humans, traffic drugs and distribute firearms. That is a rough description of the Believers.
Qualification to Join the Faction:
1) Adequate Illegal RP knowledge.
2) Adequate knowledge regarding extreme/radical groups and how they operate (Worship their leaders).
3) No serious punishments ((OOC))
4) Clean IC jail history.
Faction Rules:
IC Faction Rules:
1) No snitching to PD.
2) No public illegal actions (meaning don't rush out in the open and kill people).
3) Illegal actions are only to be consented by Leaders+
4) You may use faction vehicles, but may not perform pursuits/illegal actions in them without consent.
5) You may not sell drugs/firearms without leader consent.
6) You may not obtain firearms/drugs from out inventory's without leader consent, doing so will result in CK.
OOC Faction Rules:
1) No MG, PG or anything that breaks server rules.
2) Do not perform any illegal actions without leaders consent.
3) No snitching on police, results in CK.
4) CK Clause.
5) NO MG'ing our base locations (blacklist/ooc jail).
6) Properties are only open/to be seen by faction members.
If your faction is made, what would you need? (Example: Badges, Mapped HQ, Ect.):
1) Vehicles (Modded if possible)
2) Church Location in LS
3) Own IC radio station (If possible, we need christian music ;s)
