
Door Bug Fix

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Banned User
Hello everyone I've found away to get around the door bug. ((Can't exit your car because your bugged)). I'm sure everyone know one way or another. Or maybe even the way I am going to tell you.

What you do is, enter a garage in your car, exit your car, get back in your car, then exit the garage. It sure beats /reconnect because for me it takes about a minute to 2 minutes to reconnect.

Just thought i'd let you guys know.

And if there's any scripters/admins reading this, can you please fix this bug? I am in SPD and sometime when I pull people over, or they get out of there car and run. I can't exit my car because I get the Door Bug.



New Member
Drive to an interior entrance > F10 > Change Character > Select the current character you would like to return to (the one you were just on) > -You are now out of the vehicle- > Walk up to the arrow, and stand there for up to 1 second in counting > Final result; You should now be able to enter the vehicle.

You do NOT have to enter the interior in ANY way, just walking up to the interior arrow completes the process.


My way is i press F10, if i am stuck in a car, then when i join back as my character i take and run to an interior, and go into it, and then it let's me get, in and out of my car


MTA:RP Forum Legend
/me whispers a admin.. Slap me!

/me runs to a random interior.. enter/exit and done. =)
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