It's interesting to see you guys posting about your lives and where you ended up, so I thought why not share my story as well.
After finishing high school, I got into the military as a military pilot cadet. In Croatia, it's a bit complicated to become a military pilot; you have to go to...
This is the update list for version v3.5.6.6
Notice: Many more updates were done besides the listed ones, unfortunately we lost the list containing those due to an ex-staff deleting it.
Added a new notification display (will be put up in use over the next few updates). (Luka)
This is the update list for version v3.5.6.5
Added new event /startmarathon for Super Admins. (Luka)
Added ability for mechanics to remove vehicle upgrades from vehicles. (Luka)
Added /osendtoplace for admins. (Luka)
Added chainsaw in "Quality Hardware Store". (Luka)
Added two new...
Faction members activity
As known since forever, many faction members tend to log in for a minute just so they're shown as active. This has been a problem for years, and today it ends. I've made a new feature for every leader in a faction to use "Members Activity" window that displays every...
Stock Clerk
As you all may have noticed, shops are places we rarely roleplay in, no one is ever seen in them either. Because of this I decided to change SarahLore's (ex-developer) script into an actual job that'd be used, therefore the credit for this script goes to SarahLore. The job is...
We apologize for extending the date of new scripts coming out, we had our developer Jockeyzz on vacation and Luka handling the community admin-wise. Thankfully this changed and we are now in the process of making those upcoming scripts.
This is the update list for version v3.5.6
Added new self-changing text on top bar. (Luka)
Added new option for including phone numbers via /call 7331. (Luka)
Added command /restarttints for administrators to recreate all vehicle tints. (Luka)
Added New donation perk: add...
Donation Perks Changes
Notice: After a discussion with upper administration we decided to update some donation perks. Before you start complaining and crying about how expensive they've been made to, please consider this: We have bundles you can donate for which give you enormous amount of...